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Submited : September 26, 2024
Published : January 23, 2025

The plantation commodity that is currently being intensively re-cultivated by the people of Central Sulawesi is the cocoa plant because its price continues to soar and its trade cannot be separated from government policies such as subsidies and the Government Assistance Program. The aim of this research is to determine the influence of production factors, number of productive plants, labor, use of NPK fertilizer, amount of labor, age of plants, farming experience and government assistance on cocoa production in Bobo Village, and to determine the extent of success in increasing production cocoa through a government assistance program in Bobo Village. The respondents in this study were 60 cocoa farmers who received aid and those who did not receive aid, where the determination of respondents was carried out using the census method and Simple Random Sampling Method and to achieve the objectives of this research, the analytical method used was Cobb-Douglass function analysis. The results of this research show that based on the t test and F test, there is a real (significant) relationship between all independent variables on cocoa production, and there are differences in cocoa production between farmers who receive assistance and farmers who do not receive government assistance.

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