Article History
Submited : October 16, 2024
Published : December 2, 2024
The area of agricultural land in Indonesia is dominated by rainfed rice fields whose limiting factors are limited water, low land productivity, and low levels of technology adoption. This research was carried out from April 2019 to August 2019. On rainfed land in Karawana Village, Dolo District, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi. The technology used is shallow good irrigation pumping. This study aims to develop maize cultivation to increase the production and productivity of strategic commodities with shallow good pumping technology. The results showed that: (a) One technology package through the development of a shallow well irrigation system with pumping which refers to the availability of water and plant needs optimally by using water gun technology. (b) The establishment of an innovative design for rainfed dry land food crops with the production component of tile products with 9.4 tons Lamuru, 6.8 tons/ha, Sukmaraga 6.2 tons/ha, 5.0 tons without weights /ha, R/C: Ratio: 2.16
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Guritno, B, 2011. Planting Patterns in Dry Land, Brawijaya University Malang, UB Press
Haryono, 2013. Policy Strategy of the Ministry of Agriculture in Optimizing Sub-Optimal Land to Support National Food Security. Pros. National Seminar on Sub Optimal Land "Intensification of Sub Optimal Land in the Context of Supporting National Food Security: 1-4.
Hendrayana S, A., S., & Madrini, I. A. G. B. (2018). Technical Analysis of Use of Groundwater Resources for Rice Irrigation in Jembrana District. Journal of BETA (Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering), 6(2).
Hidayat, A., & Anggara, M. (2021). Design of a Positive Displacement Water Pump Driven by a Multi-Angle Wind Turbine. FLYWHEEL JOURNAL, 12(2).
Indraningsih KS. 2012. Factors influencing the performance of farmer farming as a representation of sustainable agricultural extension strategies on marginal land. Journal of Agro Economics 31(1): 71-95.
Jamil, M., & Bustami. (2020). Differences in Income of Lowland Rice Farming (Oryza sativa, L) Irrigation Systems with Diesel Pumping Machines and Electricity in Peureulak District, East Aceh Regency. Agrisamudra Research Journal, 7(1)
Jamil, M., & Bustami. (2020). Differences in Income of Lowland Rice Farming (Oryza sativa, L) Irrigation Systems with Diesel Pumping Machines and Electricity in Peureulak District, East Aceh Regency. Agrisamudra Research Journal, 7(1)
Mada, S. T. M., Ni'mah, K., Heryani, Y., & Kurniawan, D. (2022). Vegetable Polyculture Planting Pattern in Narrow Yards Through a Vertical Garden System in Supporting Food Security during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of Civil Society Service (JPMM), 2(1).
Made, U. I., Bunganaen, Wi., & Padja, R. A. P. (2014). Drip Irrigation System Planning in Besmarak Village, Kupang Regency. Civil Engineering, III(1).
Mulyani, A., & Suwanda, M. H. (2020). Dry Climate Dry Land Management for Corn Development in Nusa Tenggara. Journal of Land Resources, 13(1).
Ningrum, M. C., Duakajo, N. N., & Mariyah, M. (2022). Income Analysis of Rice Farming Patterns in Jembayan Dalam Village, Loa Kulu District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency. Ziraa'ah Agricultural Scientific Magazine, 47(1).
Prasetia, A., Sembiring, J., Kusumah, R., & Tamelan, Y. (2022). Utilization of Gamal and Elephant Grass Trimmings as Green Manure in Efforts to Increase Growth and Production of Maize (Zea mays L.). Agriculture, 32(3).
Prihasto, S., A.K. Makarim and A.M. Fagi, 1997. Methan emission from rainfed rice fields at Jakenan, Central Java at Affectiec by Organic Matter and Water Condition. J. Agricultural Research : 16 (1):19-25
Pirganti K and A.K.Makarim, 2006. Increasing Productivity in Rainfed Lowland through Integrated Crop Management. J. Agricultural Research 25 (2):116-123
Pirganti K and H. Pane, 2004. Application of Organic Materials, Potassium and Land Preparation Techniques for Gogoranca Rice. J. Research on Food Crop Agriculture 3 (1) : 177-184
Putra Wiryawan, A. G., Norken, I. N., & Purbawijaya, I. (1970). The Effectiveness of Irrigation Management Using Pump Wells to Improve Cropping Patterns in Negara District, Jembrana Regency. Spectrant Journal, 4(1).
Rusastra, W.I, Handewi P, Saliem, Supriati and Saptana, 2004. Prospects for the Development of Crop Patterns and Diversification of Indonesian Food Crops. Agro-Economy Research Forum. Volume 22 No. July 1, 2004
Rukmana, R 2001. Hilly and Critical Dry Land Processing Techniques. Publisher Kanisius Special Region of Yogyakarta.
Sidgi, Z.Z.M, F.F. Muhsoni, A. Amzeri and F. Hasan, 2010. Development of Cropping Patterns and Diversification of Food Crops in Madura: An Effort to Increase Production and Income of Farmers, Agrivor 3 (1): 65 – 76.
Sirappa M.P dan Wahid, 2013. Keragaan dan Potensi Beberapa Varietas Padi pada Lahan Sawah Bukaan Baru. Jurnal Budidaya Pertanian 6(2):84 – 94.
Subagio H. 2008. The role of farmer capacity in realizing successful farming: The case of vegetable and rice farmers in Malang and Pasuruan Regencies, East Java Province. [dissertation]. Bogor (ID): Bogor Agricultural Institute.
Sedana, G. (2010). EMPOWERMENT OF Agribusiness-Based Groundwater Irrigation Managers (Case of Well Pump Farmers Group in Tejakula District). DwijenagrO
Sudarto, L. (2012). Prediksi Penurunanmuka Air Tanah Akibat Pemompaan Di Daerah Jogonalan Klaten Jawa Tengah. Seminar Nasional Informatika, 2012(ISSN: 1979-2328).
Sweeney, S., Regan, Á., McKernan, C., Benson, T., Hanlon, A., & Dean, M. (2022). Current Consumer Perceptions of Animal Welfare across Different Farming Sectors on the Island of Ireland. Animals, 12(2).
Suriadikarta. D.A and Hartatik W., 2004. Technology of Nutrient Management of New Opening Paddy Fields. Lowland Paddy and Its Management Technology. Center for Soil and Agro-climate Research and Development. Agricultural Research and Development Agency. pp. 115-136
Syamsul B., Hartono, Z. Sannang and Heni P., 2003. Technology for increasing the intensity of planting rainfed rice fields in Central Sulawesi. J. Assessment and Development of Agricultural Technology (6): 16-28.
Sidgi, Z.Z.M, F.F. Muhsoni, A. Amzeri and F. Hasan, 2010. Development of Cropping Patterns and Diversification of Food Crops in Madura: An Effort to Increase Farmer Production and Income, Agrivigor 3 (1): 65-76.
Wahid and MP. Sirappa, 2013. The potential of PTT rice cultivation in Inpara 1 and Indragiri on Waeapu Buru sub-optimal land. J. Agricultural Cultivation vol 15 (1): 230-237
Widyantoro and Husin M. Toha, 2010. Optimization of Rainfed Lowland Rice Management through an Integrated Planting Management Approach. Proceedings of National Cereal Week. Food Crops Research and Development Center. pp 648-657
Yumi, Sumardjo, Darwis SG, Sugihen BG. 2012. The model for the development of farmer learning in sustainable community forest management (cases in Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region Province, and Wonogiri Regency, Central Java). Journal of Extension. 8(2): 17–27.
Yunita. 2011. The strategy for increasing the capacity of lowland rice farming households towards household food security (Case in OganIlir and OganKomeringIlir Regencies, South Sumatra). [dissertation]. Bogor (ID): Bogor Agricultural Institute.
Untoro, N., Rakhmadi, F. A., & Purwanto, J. (2017). Assistance for the Muslim Community of the Makmur Sangiran Farmer Group in the Changing of Klaten through the Windmill Energy Pumping Program. Bakti Saintek Journal: Journal of Community Service in the Field of Science and Technology, 1(1).
Utama, A. F., Handoko, B., & Sa'diah, H. (2018). Efficiency of Water Utilization for Artesian Pump Well Irrigation in Dry Land, East Lombok Regency. Journal of Ecoscience, 10(3).
Wahyudi, A. H., Muttaqien, A. Y., & Vania, R. C. (2019). Studi Simulasi Biaya Operasi Dan Pemeliharaan Jaringan Irigasi Air Tanah Untuk Mendapatkan Hasil Produksi Pertanian Yang Optimal (Studi Kasus Jiat Tw 017 R Dan Pws 231 Di Kecamatan Kalijambe Kabupaten Sragen). Matriks Teknik Sipil, 7(2).
Zulfadli, T., & Mulkan, A. (2019). Feasibility study of solar - wind energy (hybrid) as a source of water pump power for irrigation systems in the Aceh Besar area. POLIMESIN Journal, 17(2).
Zulkarnaen, Purnama, A., & Amin, I. (2017). Groundwater Irrigation Network Planning in Buin Baru Village, Buer District, Sumbawa Regency. Unsa Scientific Journal, 2(1).
Suwitra, I., Negara, A., Fattah, A., Supriadi, K., Udiarto, B., Khasanah, N., Mustakim, M., & Ardjanhar, A. (2024). FOR SHALLOW GOOD IRRIGATION TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION TO INCREASE THE INCOME OF CORN FARMERS ON RAINFED LAND IN SIGI REGENCY, CENTRAL SULAWESI. AGROLAND The Agricultural Sciences Journal (e-Journal), 11(2), 81 - 90.
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